Asia Pacific Basin for Energy Strategies (APBest) is an energy and economic think-tank bringing its advocacy to the United Nations to negotiate oil prices vis-a-vis the OPEC, Gulf oil states, financial institutions and traders in oil. If UN has agencies or bodies in AIDS, crime and drugs, food, atomic energy, global warming, even land mines, more so it should focus on gruelling oil prices that cripples the world’s economy.

APBest seeks to attain energy security in the Pacific basin through agreements on global pricing and supply-and-demand models that are reasonably profitable and socio-economically responsive. To this end, the Association seeks to organize, encourage and promote advocacies and initiatives to bring to the urgent attention of the United Nations (UN) the unabated global increases in oil prices.

APBest works for the creation of a technical working group or an appropriate body to liaise with the UN as an instrument to determine effective measures to negotiate economically-sound and geopolitically-acceptable oil pricing formulae and supply-and-demand policies,  for consultation and discussion with bodies including the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and the Council of Gulf Oil States, trading and financial institutions involved in oil futures, international agencies, entities and organizations, such as the Association of  Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as the governments in the Asia-Pacific region towards agreement on  global pricing and supply-and-demand models that are reasonably profitable and socio-economically responsive.

APBest, is a non-stock, non-profit association organized on April 4, 2008 and registered with the Philippines SEC on October 10, 2008. APBest has founding Trustees in Japan and USA, and a network that links it to the Asia-Pacific region, from east to west.